Project goal: Promote preservation of the Tepeth heritage by supporting documentation, preservation, and popularization of So-language in Moroto and Napak districts.
Project goal: To contribute to improved environmental protection and sustainable livelihoods among vulnerable communities in Moroto district
Lokere phase 2 covers 5 Karamoja districts (Nabilatuk, Napak, Moroto, Kotido and Kaabong) and 4 Teso districts (Amuria, Katakwii, Kapelebyong and Soroti).
This phase focusses on two main results areas (RA); RA1 focuses on institutional strengthening for stakeholders working in areas around river Omaniman. This is through capacity building, trainings and meetings
RA2 is typically a technical component involving watershed environment protection and conservation related activities. Activities here include:
KAYESE 256 is implementing activities geared towards achievements of RA2 in Tapac, Katikekile, and and Nadunget sub counties in Moroto and Lorengedwat sub county in Nabilatuk distirict.
Go Green campaign activities include:
KAYESE 256 with Moroto district Local government hosted the Karamoja regional Youth conference in Moroto from August 23rd-24th 2023
Higlights from the Youth day Celebrations:
Highlights of youth concerns